Monthly Archives: March 2009

Week 14, day 2

Had a dream last night about rocking chairs. I wish I would’ve sketched right when I woke up to capture all the cool designs I dreampt of.

Mom gave me a massage last night. It was heaven.

We had our second appointment with Dr. Dwyer yesterday, too. We asked her all sorts of questions. About a drug-free birth and about the Bradley method. I’ve concluded that she pretty much ROCKS! She’s so supportive. Todd helped out by making me realize that maybe I was exaggerating about feeling sick. Good ol’ Todd.

Week 12, day 5

I slept very lightly last night. Todd kept crowding me, I think beacuse the dogs were on his other side. Those dogs need to start getting used to sleeping in their own beds. Nevertheless, I seem to get up with enough energy. It must be because I am going to sleep around 9.

Week 12, day 4

Today was alright. I am succumbing to the increased nausea and headaches. Just giving in because there is no use complaining.

Week 12, day 1

Yesterday, I felt the worst I have felt through the whole pregnancy.

Today is a close second, though. Yuck!

I am just so exhausted from feeling sick all the time. C’mon already!!! Can’t i just feel pregnant and not nauseous?

Week 11, day 6

Feeling closer to throwing up than ever. Yuck.

Week 11, day 3

Todd took me out to dinner at Joey’s Seafood. Yum.

We picked up a crib from Arney’s house. Their twins just moved into “big girl beds” and they had a lovely maple crib to hand down to us along with a posturpedic mattress! One less thing we have to buy. Thanks, Arney’s!

When we got home, I took a 2 hour nap with Todd and the puppies.

After waking up, I did laundry and dishes. Then bed again.

Week 11, day 2

Had a crazy dream last night. It had nothing to do with pregnancy or babies..

I was part of a heist in Buenos Aires and discovered I was on another planet because we stopped at some beaches and there were animals that were similar to earth animals like seals and elephants. But very different; adapted to whatever planet we were on. I felt like I was on an expedition, the first of its kind.

Week 10, day 5

First Ultrasound

First Ultrasound

Today we had the ultrasound where they took all the measurements of the womb and of the little bean that’s growing in there. Everything looked great. Diane was our ultrasound tech. She’s super nice and super cool. And of course we got to hear the heartbeat. technology is so amazing, but not as amazing as the little person that we are growing!